
an exciting side-scrolling action game set on the mysterious planet Cethea 1B. As a player, you find yourself navigating a world swarming with unfriendly robots after crash-landing in your escape pod. Alongside you is Gear, a witty AI that saved you by merging human and machine. The game has three challenging levels and a boss fight, and after each level, Gear engages in a conversation, deciding to deactivate one of your abilities to conserve power, gradually leaving you with nothing.

I developed "SpiritCage" for the 1bit game jam. The theme of the jam was "You Start With Everything And End With Nothing." In the game, you begin with all your abilities and gradually lose them until you're left with nothing.

Update 0.2. Added a cheat code to skip a level if you get stuck – just hit Comma.  I also changed the colors to stop the pixel beading  and, I've tweaked things to make the game run a bit smoother in your browser helpfully. Bear with me, though I'm the sole tester

Update 0.2.1 fixed a bunch of bugs. viewport bug fixed

Update 1.0 Graphical Update

Fixed a few bugs and updated the art